Jump to the best moments using these time stamps:
00:00 – Intro
01:31 – Current landscape for C-Stores
03:37 – How to get the right message at the right time
08:18 – The new world of C-Stores: Where digital and physical come together
10:15 – How engagement tech is a long-term investment
16:23 – Make network monetization work for you
27:04 – Use cases and benefits
43:00 – Q&A
How is digital transformation affecting the place-based experience? How can digital inspire “add-to-cart moments”? What are the latest strategies for monetizing a C-store media network?
SageNet’s VP of Digital Experience, IV Dickson, joins retail media expert, Broadsign’s Karim Kanji in this on-demand, collaborative webinar. Our panel explores real-world examples of how C-stores are using technology to adapt as we move from pandemic to endemic and adjust to shifting sands of inflation, supply chain challenges, labor shortages, skyrocketing fuel prices and the rise of electric vehicles.
Want to learn more? Contact us today or check out our latest whitepaper on C-Store digital engagement: